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Légionnaire de la domination

Le légionnaire de la peur est une élite de la religion de Xydanyël qui fait partie de l'armé de la religion. Bien que ces soldats ont allégeance à la reine comme tous les Darakiens, c'est Xydanyël qui est sa maitresse absolue.

Ces guerriers sont choisis pour leur fougue guerrière et leur foi en la grande déesse. Les guerriers et antipaladins font des légionnaires de la domination naturel, mais parfois des prêtres de Xydanyël, des barbares qui se sont civilisés et des guerriers habitués de voyagés dans les terres de Darakya joignent leurs rangs.

Les pouvoirs du légionnaire sont basé sur ses compétences et son expériences de guerrier qui fait de lui quelqu'un de plus en plus proche de la déesse de la guerre.
D� de vie
To qualify to become a legionnaire of domination, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks, Ride 2 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will, Die Hard, Endurance.
Alignment: Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral
Special: Must have prove to the church of Xydanyël his faith and worth.
The legionnaire class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Nobility), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str). See chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Nombre de skills par niveau: 2 + Modificateur d'Intelligence

Légionnaire de la domination
NiveauBase AttackFortitudeR�flexeVolont�Habilit�s de classe
1+1+2+0+2Aura of evil, Immunity to fear
2+2+3+0+3Aura of despair
3+3+3+1+3No mercy for weakling 1/day
4+4+4+1+4Thoughness of iron
6+6+5+2+5No mercy for weakling 2/day
9+9+6+3+6No mercy for weakling 3/day
10+10+7+3+7Son of Xydanyël

Habilet�s de classe
Weapon and armor proficiency
The Legionnaire gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Aura of evil
The power of a legionnaire aura of evil is equal to his class level plus any class level as fighter or antipaladin.
Immunity to fear
The Legionnaire is immune to natural and magical fear.
Aura of despair
Beginning at 3rd level, the legionnaire radiate a malign aura that cause ennemies within 10 feet of him to take a -2 penality to all saving thrown. This ability doesn't work again creature who are immune to fear like undead, construct and so on.
No mercy for weakling 1/day
The legionaire gain the ability to smite as an antipaladin of a level equal to his legionnaire level plus any class level as fighter or antipaladin. He can smite anything using his fury for combat, the blow is not unholy, but came from the heart of the warrior. Instead of using the charisma modifier to calculate the bonus to attack, the legionnaire use the strength modifier.
Thoughness of iron
The legionnaire gain a bonus of +1 hp for each legionnaire level he attain.
Son of Xydanyël
The legionnaire make one with the battlefield and combat. With so much experience in combat, he have develop new techniques of combat that make him gain one extra attack at his highest base attack when he use the full attack action. If the legionnaire use two weapon, he still only gain one attack with one of the weapon.
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