Description | | Introduction | Matuzalians are descended from elemental-related creatures, such as
efreet, dao, djinn, jann, and marids, among others. Most of them have
had no direct contact with their elemental forebears, but the signs of
their heritage are apparent. Matuzalians take great pride in their
distinctive features and abilities. They look like human, but their
eyes color is unusual.
| Statistiques | - Ajustements: -2 Sagesse +2 Charisme
- Taille: Medium
- Cheveux: As Human, but sometime red flame
- Yeux: As Human, but very bright, sometime red
- Peau: Brown
- Vitesse: 30 feet
- Vision: Darkvision up to 60 feet.
- Favorite class: Sorcerer
- Elemental Resistance 5: Elemental resistance against fire, lightning, acid, cold and sonic.
- Elemental and Illusion caster level: All elemental spell and illusion spell, divine or arcane are always
considered one caster level higher then normally.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Matuzalian
- Silver tongue (Ex): Gain a +4 racial bonus on diplomacy and bluff checks.
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