Description | | Introduction | The Azairians have dragon blood. They are honorable people that have a
culture based on the values of their ancestors. Many Azairians are
half-dragon and many dragons is living in their community. A great
wyrm is actually leading the Azairians since centuries. Their culture
had been influenced by an ancient oriental culture. |
| Territoires et royaumes | Rendor | Statistiques | - Ajustements: -2 Dext�rit� +2 Charisme
- Taille: Medium
- Cheveux: Any
- Yeux: Any
- Peau: Any
- Vitesse: 30 feet
- Vision: Darkvision 90
- Dragonblood subtype: Spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target dragons
also affect it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items
normally only usable by dragons, and qualifies the creature to take
feats that have the subtype as a prerequisite. The dragonblood subtype
also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect dragons.
- Natural Armor: Natural armor improves by 1
- Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic
- Favorite class: Paladin or Samurai
- Skills: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Spot checks.
- Saves: A draconic creature gains a +4 racial bonus to saves against sleep and
paralysis, thanks to its heritage.
- Natural Weapon: Draconic creatures have claw attacks (1d3)
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