Zemochkan | Dieu intermédiaire de la peur (NE) dans le panth�on Sélarien. |
| Description | Titre: | Le berserker | Alignement: | Chaotique / Mauvais | Portfolios: | Peur, Doute, Tristesse, Désespoir, Cauchemar | Domaines: | Chaos, Darkness, Domination, Evil, Suffering. | Symbole: | Un pic ensanglanté planté dans un crane humanoide. | Rang divin: | Intermédiaire | Arme divine: | Pic de guerre |
Domaines | Chaos | You cast chaos spells at +1 caster
level. | Niveau 1: | Protection from Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | Niveau 2: | Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures. | Niveau 3: | Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | Niveau 4: | Chaos Hammer: Damages and staggers lawful creatures. | Niveau 5: | Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks by lawful creatures. | Niveau 6: | Animate Objects: Objects attack your foes. | Niveau 7: | Word of Chaos: Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects. | Niveau 8: | Cloak of Chaos: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, SR 25 against lawful spells. | Niveau 9: | Summon Monster IX: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. Cast as a chaos spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Darkness | Character gains the feat Blind fighting. | Niveau 1: | Obscuring Mist: Fog surround you. | Niveau 2: | Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded of deafned. | Niveau 3: | Blacklight:Create an area of total darkness. | Niveau 4: | Armor of Darkness: Shroud grants deflection bonus, darkvision, and other effects. | Niveau 5: | Darkbolt: Multiple bolts deal 2d8 damage and daze creatures. | Niveau 6: | Prying Eyes: 1d4+1/level floating eyes scout for you. | Niveau 7: | Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue. | Niveau 8: | Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less. | Niveau 9: | Power Word Kill: Kills one creature with 100 hp or less. | Source: | Spell Compendium |
| Domination | You gain the Spell Focus (Enchantment) feat. | Niveau 1: | Command: One subject obeys one-word-command for 1 round. | Niveau 2: | Enthrall: Captivates all within 100 ft. +10 ft./level. | Niveau 3: | Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course of action. | Niveau 4: | Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically. | Niveau 5: | Greater Command: As command, but affects one subject/level. | Niveau 6: | Geast/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature. | Niveau 7: | Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion, plus one/level subjects. | Niveau 8: | True Domination: As dominate person, but save at -4 | Niveau 9: | Monstrous Thrall: As true domination but permanent and affect any creature. | Source: | Spell Compendium / Complete Divine |
| Evil | You cast evil spells at +1 caster level. | Niveau 1: | Protection from Good: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | Niveau 2: | Desecrate: Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger. | Niveau 3: | Magic Circle against Good: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | Niveau 4: | Unholy Blight: Damages and sickens good creatures. | Niveau 5: | Dispel Good: +4 bonus against attacks by good creatures. | Niveau 6: | Create Undead: Create ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs. | Niveau 7: | Blasphemy: Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects. | Niveau 8: | Unholy Aura: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, SR 25 against good spells. | Niveau 9: | Summon Monster IX: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. Cast as an evil spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Suffering | You can use a pain touch once per day. Make a melee touch attack
against a living creature, which bestows on that creature a –2 penalty
to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute on a successful attack. This
ability does not affect creatures that have immunity to extra damage
from critical hits.
| Niveau 1: | Bane: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. | Niveau 2: | Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 minute/level. | Niveau 3: | Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls,saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. | Niveau 4: | Enervation: Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. | Niveau 5: | Feeblemind: Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1. | Niveau 6: | Harm: Deals 10 points/level damage to subject. | Niveau 7: | Eyebite: Subject becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. | Niveau 8: | Symbol of Pain : Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. | Niveau 9: | Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft. | Source: | Spell Compendium |
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