Jeux de r�le Qu�bec - MoonZar
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Déesse mineur des océans (NE) dans le panth�on Sélarien.
Titre:La vague des océans
Alignement:Neutre / Mauvais
Portfolios:Oubli, Rivière, Océan, Vague, Plage, île, Profondeur aquatique
Domaines:Hatred, Water, Storm, Wrath.
Symbole:Une grosse vague sur un fond bleu marin
Rang divin:Mineur
Arme divine:Trident
Choose one opponent. Against that opponent you gain a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, saving thrown, and armor class for 1 minute. This supernatural ability is usable once per day as a freen action.
Niveau 1:Doom:
Niveau 2:Scare:
Niveau 3:Bestow Curse:
Niveau 4:Song of Discord:
Niveau 5:Righteous Might:
Niveau 6:Forbiddance:
Niveau 7:Blasphemy:
Niveau 8:Antipathy:
Niveau 9:Wail of the Banshee:
Source:Spell Compendium / Lords of Madness

Turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster water creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.
Niveau 1:Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
Niveau 2:Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
Niveau 3:Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
Niveau 4:Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Niveau 5:Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Niveau 6:Cone of Cold: 1d6/level cold damage.
Niveau 7:Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage.
Niveau 8:Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
Niveau 9:Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Cast as a water spell only.
Source:Player's Handook

You gain resistance to electricity 5.
Niveau 1:Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20%
Niveau 2:Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller
Niveau 3:Call Lightning: Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt)
Niveau 4:Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement.
Niveau 5:Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Niveau 6:Summon Monster VI*: Calls extraplanar creature to fi ght
Niveau 7:Control Weather: Changes weather in local area.
Niveau 8:Whirlwind: Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
Niveau 9:Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Source:Spell Compendium

Once per day, you can subtract a number of points from your Wisdom score equal to or less than your cleric level. For every 2 points you subtract from your Wisdom score, add 1 point and add them to your Strength score. You suffer all the effects of reduced Wisdom, including access to spells and bonus spells, reduction of Will saves, and penalties on Wisdom-based skills. This trade between ability scores lasts for 1 round per cleric level and cannot be ended prematurely.
Niveau 1:Rhino’s Rush†: Next charge deals double damage.
Niveau 2:Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 Str for 1 minute/level.
Niveau 3:Rage: Subjects gain +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
Niveau 4:Shout: Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.
Niveau 5:Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.
Niveau 6:Song of Discord: Forces subjects to attack each other.
Niveau 7:Tenser’s TransformationM: You gain combat bonuses.
Niveau 8:Shout, Greater: Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects.
Niveau 9:Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Source:Spell Compendium

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