Locha | Déesse de la terre dans le panth�on Cyrkhan. |
Description | Titre: | La mère | Alignement: | Neutre | Portfolios: | Creation, Protection | Domaines: | Air, Earth, Fire, Protection, Water. | Symbole: | Une montagne | Arme divine: | Épée longue |
Domaines | Air | Turn or destroy earth creatures as a
good cleric turns undead. Rebuke,
command, or bolster air creatures as an
evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these
abilities a total number of times per
day equal to 3 + your Charisma
modifier. This granted power is a
supernatural ability. | Niveau 1: | Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. | Niveau 2: | Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. | Niveau 3: | Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. | Niveau 4: | Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle). | Niveau 5: | Control Winds: Change wind direction and speed. | Niveau 6: | Chain Lightning: 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage. | Niveau 7: | Control Weather: Changes weather in local area. | Niveau 8: | Whirlwind: Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures. | Niveau 9: | Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Cast as an air spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Earth | Turn or destroy air creatures as a good
cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command,
or bolster earth creatures as an evil
cleric rebukes undead. Use these
abilities a total number of times per
day equal to 3 + your Charisma
modifier. This granted power is a
supernatural ability. | Niveau 1: | Magic Stone: Three stones become +1 projectiles, 1d6 +1 damage. | Niveau 2: | Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud. | Niveau 3: | Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape. | Niveau 4: | Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be lowed. | Niveau 5: | Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. | Niveau 6: | Stoneskin: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. | Niveau 7: | Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius. | Niveau 8: | Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron. | Niveau 9: | Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Cast as an earth spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Fire | Turn or destroy water creatures as a
good cleric turns undead. Rebuke,
command, or bolster fire creatures as
an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use
these abilities a total number of times
per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
modifier. This granted power is a
supernatural ability. | Niveau 1: | Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). | Niveau 2: | Produce Flame: 1d6 damage +1/ level, touch or thrown. | Niveau 3: | Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Resist cold or fire only. | Niveau 4: | Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level. | Niveau 5: | Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold. | Niveau 6: | Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. | Niveau 7: | Fire Storm: Deals 1d6/level fire damage. | Niveau 8: | Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. | Niveau 9: | Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Cast as a fire spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Protection | You can generate a protective ward as a
supernatural ability. Grant someone you
touch a resistance bonus equal to your
cleric level on his or her next saving
throw. Activating this power is a
standard action. The protective ward is
an abjuration effect with a duration of
1 hour that is usable once per day. | Niveau 1: | Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack. | Niveau 2: | Shield Other: You take half of subject’s damage. | Niveau 3: | Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. | Niveau 4: | Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels. | Niveau 5: | Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level. | Niveau 6: | Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft. | Niveau 7: | Repulsion: Creatures can’t approach you. | Niveau 8: | Mind Blank: Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying. | Niveau 9: | Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Water | Turn or destroy fire creatures as a
good cleric turns undead. Rebuke,
command, or bolster water creatures as
an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use
these abilities a total number of times
per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
modifier. This granted power is a
supernatural ability. | Niveau 1: | Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. | Niveau 2: | Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision. | Niveau 3: | Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater. | Niveau 4: | Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water. | Niveau 5: | Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. | Niveau 6: | Cone of Cold: 1d6/level cold damage. | Niveau 7: | Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage. | Niveau 8: | Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft. | Niveau 9: | Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Cast as a water spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
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