Prataluz | Déesse du soleil purificateur dans le panth�on Draakien. |
Description | Titre: | La lumineuse, La Miséricordieuse | Alignement: | Neutre / Bon | Portfolios: | Vie, Lumière, Pardon | Domaines: | Dragon, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun. | Symbole: | Une étoile argenté a sept branche décalé sur une deuxième étoile a sept branche de couleur noire | Rang divin: | Mineur | Arme divine: | Scimitar |
Domaines | Dragon | Add Bluff and Intimidate to your list of cleric class skills. | Niveau 1: | Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets a +1 on attack and damage rolls. | Niveau 2: | Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. | Niveau 3: | Magic Fang, Greater: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1/three levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5). | Niveau 4: | Voice of the dragon: +10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidte checks; can use one suggestion. | Niveau 5: | True Seeing: Lets you see all things as they really are. | Niveau 6: | Stoneskin: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. | Niveau 7: | Dragon Ally: As lesser dragon ally, but up to 18 HD. | Niveau 8: | Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion plus one/level subjects. | Niveau 9: | Dominate Monster: As dominate person, but any creature. | Source: | Spell Compendium / Draconomicon |
| Good | cast good spells at +1 caster level. | Niveau 1: | Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | Niveau 2: | Aid: +1 on attack rolls +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). | Niveau 3: | Magic Circle against Evil: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | Niveau 4: | Holy Smite: Damages and blinds evil creatures. | Niveau 5: | Dispel Evil: +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures. | Niveau 6: | Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage. | Niveau 7: | Holy Word: Kills, paralyzes, slows, or deafens nongood subjects. | Niveau 8: | Holy Aura: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells. | Niveau 9: | Summon Monster IX: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. Cast as a good spell only. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Healing | You cast healing spells at +1 caster
level. | Niveau 1: | Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). | Niveau 2: | Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). | Niveau 3: | Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). | Niveau 4: | Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20). | Niveau 5: | Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +25) for many creatures. | Niveau 6: | Heal: Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases and mental conditions. | Niveau 7: | Regenerate: Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35). | Niveau 8: | Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +40) for many creatures. | Niveau 9: | Heal, Mass: As heal, but with several subjects. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Strength | You can perform a feat of strength as a
supernatural ability. You gain an
enhancement bonus to Strength equal to
your cleric level. Activating the power
is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day. | Niveau 1: | Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size. | Niveau 2: | Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. | Niveau 3: | Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels. | Niveau 4: | Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels. | Niveau 5: | Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses. | Niveau 6: | Stoneskin: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. | Niveau 7: | Grasping Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples. | Niveau 8: | Clenched Fist: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes. | Niveau 9: | Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes. | Source: | Player's Handook |
| Sun | Once per day, you can perform a greater
turning against undead in place of a
regular turning. The greater turning is
like a normal turning except that the
undead creatures that would be turned
are destroyed instead. | Niveau 1: | Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. | Niveau 2: | Heat Metal: Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it. | Niveau 3: | Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels, more against undead. | Niveau 4: | Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold. | Niveau 5: | Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage). | Niveau 6: | Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. | Niveau 7: | Sunbeam: Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage. | Niveau 8: | Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. | Niveau 9: | Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. | Source: | Player's Handook |
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